Weird, Whacky Stuff
Had a great couple days this past weekend, and have returned to work refreshed and invigorated...but don't worry...that usually goes away by about 10am Monday morning (which is getting pretty close). I've gotten better at not worrying about updating this blog so often, and have gotten my priorities back in order. Yay, me! Anyway...
I haven't been playing the Sims as much lately as I once did, but I did get an opportunity to spend some time with the game for a few hours the past couple of days, and had a pretty good time watching some weird stuff happen for the first time. It may not be new to a lot of you folks, but it is to me, so back off (just kidding!). Let's get started with some of the random nuttiness, shall we?
Not all of the decorative items in Leon's house were purchased by him when he moved in. No, sir, he also inherited a dirty old brass lamp thingy from his Granny that he left sitting on one of the tiki counters in the rec room (under the erroneous assumption that it somehow made him look sophisticated). Well, he noticed the thing was filthy, and being the neat freak he is, he decided to give it a little spit and polish...
Leon: "So, are you supposed to fill this thing with oil or gravy?"
Obviously, we all know where this is going. Yep...the genie of the lamp popped out, much to Leon's surprise. The genie noticed that Leon was doing a little poorly in the social department, which is surprising since he's such a huge self-proclaimed ladies man. I guess we know the truth now. Anyway, he offered Leon the choice between love or money. Do I even need to tell you which he decided on?
Genie: "Sorry...but no, I can't 'make all the babes totally dig you'..."
Yes, Leon chose love, and the genie's first demonstration of his power was less than impressive. The spell backfired, and Branson appeared in the room, apparently angry at Leon, though she vanished again seconds later. Checking Leon's relationship stats, I noticed there was no change in his relationship with Branson whatsoever. Strange. Anyway, Leon was less than impressed...
Even though night had fallen (luckily, nobody was hurt), Leon decided to head out back so he could indulge in his secret love of gardening. Well, he wasn't the only one spending time with the pansies..."Moon Dawg" was out back with his own watering can, watering every patch of flowers that Leon tried to water. I sat back and laughed as they tried to beat one another to each new flower patch.
Kareem: "Dude...get your fat can out of my way!"
Steve had apparently noticed Leon's little incident with the genie earlier on, and as soon as the opportunity presented itself, he gave the lamp a quick rub (with predictable results). The genie gave Steve pretty much the same choice as he'd given Leon, and Steve made pretty much the same selection, as you might have guessed. Man, these guys have issues...
Genie: "No, I can't 'turn you into the sexiest dude alive'...sorry!"
As with Leon's wish, Steve's backfired as well. Go figure. Maybe this genie is the one with serious issues. Anyway, this time, Matt appeared instead of Branson, but instead of vanishing quickly, he stuck around. leaving Steve to face the music. I guess I could have cancelled any of Matt's negative actions, but I was just there to observe, not to interfere...heheh...
Uh, oh...Matt's back...and this time, it's personal!
Matt marched right over to Steve, and gave him the "what for" (whatever that means). Basically, he poked him a lot and babbled a bunch of stuff I couldn't understand, much like with regular sim conversations. Steve just cowered in fear, probably not quite sure what to say. You never really know how to respond when a genie's magical spell backfires and warps an angry neighbor over to your house. I know I sure don't.
Matt: "How dare you magically summon me over to your house in the middle of the night!"
That is kind of rude, now that I think about it a little more. What if he'd been in bed or in the shower or on the toilet when he got zapped over? Thank goodness the game suspends reality a little bit there (you sort of have to where magical genie spells are concerned). Anyway, the important thing is that Steve was quick to make amends with Matt, showering him with phony compliments and talk about how he was his biggest fan. Steve, I challenge you to name one movie or song you know of that Matt had anything to do with creating...
Matt: "My biggest fan? Really? Wow, I've never heard thatbefore!"
Anyhow, that was enough for Steve...he'd had it with that crazy genie. He decided maybe it was time to turn to the unused chemistry set that had always been in the rec room. After all, you know the old saying "if magic lets you down, turn to science". Okay, so nobody was really ever quoted as saying that, but I just did, so if you hear it again, you know who to give credit to.
Apparently, you don't have to be smart to practice chemistry...Steve is living proof...
Well, after hours of toiling (probably because he had absolutely no clue what he was doing) and lots of bubbling and boiling, Steve came up with a strange blue brew of some sort. Next, he did the totally logical thing, and drank the mystery brew, which he, with absolutely no knowledge of chemistry whatsoever, had concocted. I sat back and waited to watch him writhe on the floor in agony from poisoning himself, but that never happened.
Steve: "Mmmm...tastes like Kool-Aid!"
The blue stuff refilled some of Steve's needs, giving him the energy to go on producing more potions (it's a vicious cycle). He produced another blue one, but this time, he didn't drink it, deciding to save it for later when he could really use it. Well, all his playing around with the chemistry set drew some attention, and "Moon Dawg" got out of bed to see what all the commotion was about. When he came out to the chemistry table, there was a blue potion sitting there, unguarded.
Kareem: "Hey, mon, is this Kool-Aid?"
Well, it's hard to tell who's dumber - Steve, who was quick to drink a weird potion he mixed up with no chemistry experience, or "Moon Dawg", who went ahead and drank some weird vial of stuff he didn't even see get mixed, that for all he knew was toilet bowl cleaner. Luckily for him, it wasn't, but you really have to wonder about these sims sometimes...
Of all the things to drink in the rec room, 'Moon Dawg' goes straight for the weird blue stuff on the chemistry set...
Steve came back later and mixed up more of the blue stuff...apparently, at the moment, it's all he knows how to make. least he's producing positive results with his chemistry, unlike that bumbling idiot of a genie and his backfiring magic. Let's just hope the family doesn't become chemical dependent thanks to Steve's cool blue "quick fix" brew...
Well, that's all you get today. Will Steve eventually kill himself with a rotten potion? Will the genie cause more mayhem in the house with his pathetic attempts at magic? Will any of these guys ever win the heart of a lovely (or otherwise) lady? The answers may not be so obvious now, but all shall be revealed in posts to come! See you then!
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