Antisocial Behavior
If you haven't read the previous post put up this same day, our special presentation of "Yes, Chucky, the Grinch is Dead", you might want to go back and check it out first…otherwise...
Hey, everyone! Welcome back to Monkeesims! I hope your day is going better than mine is so far. It's not even 9:30 yet and it's been especially chaotic here. We're having a food day at work today, and my wife sent in a big box with a bunch of different food in it. Well, there was a tray of pickles in the box complete with pickle juice, and it leaked out and soaked my pant leg during the drive to work. I was able to scrub and dry my pants, but the boxer shorts had to go, so now I'm sitting at work, STILL smelling like pickles, with a pair of pickle scented underwear sitting in my desk drawer. Classy. I can't wait to see what else the day has in store for me…NOT!
I've spent most of my Sims time lately with Open for Business. A good thing for me, because it's a lot of fun. Bad for posts in a way though because while I may find the mechanics of running businesses in the game to be fun and challenging, it doesn't make for very interesting post material. No worries, because I managed to get plenty of posts behind before I started this OFB kick, so I'm sure I'll be plenty bored with it by the time we run out of "scheduled" material to post. Anyway, we were partying with the Jacksons last time, as Moon Dawg invited a boatload (literally) of Leon's least favorite people over for a little bash. The bash is still underway as we rejoin our friends. It doesn't seem to be going so well, though - everyone's standing around crying...

Something tells me those aren't tears of happiness...
Things seemed to be going pretty well last time, even with all those folks who didn't like Leon gathered together. So what happened? Well, I'll tell you right now that it wasn't Leon who caused the commotion - he just stood around drinking and tried to stay out of the way for the most part. Debbie became aware of who all was on the boat, though, and apparently she has a jealous streak. She started picking on Chloe, who Leon dated briefly long before he'd met Debbie or was otherwise involved. Am I the only one who thinks that might be taking things a bit too far?

Debbie: "How dare you date my boyfriend before I met him, you hussy!"
Debbie and Chloe went back and forth poking each other over and over for quite some time. I thought it was never going to end, and that they'd both wind up with nasty bruises from it later. There was another pair of sims who had potential for unpleasant interaction, Kitty and Spruce. They originally got into a fight for reasons I never quite figured out (I think Spruce is just mean), and after that became part of the never-ending cycle of vandalizing each others trash cans, stealing newspapers, and fighting whenever the opportunity presented itself. They weren't fighting this time, but they were definitely poking…

Spruce: "How dare you try to block me from the bathroom, you hussy!"
Pokes are like potato chips, I guess, and one is just never enough - Spruce and Kitty kept it going just as much as Debbie and Chloe. It was a great big poke-fest out on deck, with no end in sight (someone has to be the bigger person sooner or later, but everyone wanted to get the last poke in). The only people who weren't poking or being poked were Leon and Rinoa, who were hanging out in the hot tub (which Debbie didn't seem to care about much for some odd reason), and Moon Dawg and Katherine Shaikh, the waitress. Moon Dawg actually cornered Katherine in the bathroom so they could chat. That's how those desperate "bathroom bottlenecks" at all these parties all get started. It's all fun and games till someone pees themselves.

Katherine: "Please tell me you're not going to start poking me!"
Moon Dawg had no intention of doing any poking. He apparently had quite the thing for Katherine, though, and was determined to catch her eye. It was one of those cruel arrangements, though, where one sim likes another sim who won't give them the time of day. Moon Dawg tried for some time to have a decent conversation and maybe throw in a joke or two, but Katherine was being a royal biatch, and kept trying to walk away or giving him the ol' "red minus". Meanwhile, Spruce and Kitty had taken their dispute all the way to the rear of the boat where people were trying to chill out in peace. Do these folks have some anger issues, or what?

Spruce: "Enough! For the love of all that's good and pure, enough!"
People eventually began to decide that the party was really starting to suck, and began to jump ship. Pretty soon, everyone but the residents had disembarked, and Debbie and Leon went to hang out in the main cabin. They asked Moon Dawg politely to go find something to do elsewhere, and so, he produced a well concealed telescope and set it out on deck. I'm sure Leon has some sort of policy against items on board his ship that might accidentally cause some form of self improvement, but he was otherwise occupied. I honestly don't know how Leon is still "in shape" given his eating habits, general inactivity, and lack of any exercise equipment aboard the ship…yet another mystery of Pimp Harbor.

Moon Dawg: "Hey, I can see the moon, dawg!"
Morning rolled around, and somebody had forgotten to unlock the door to the main cabin, so Moon Dawg spent all night out on the deck, either looking through the telescope, drinking, or sitting in a chair. Someone should teach him about that whole "knocking" thing…or scratching at the door (most dawgs know how to do that). It didn't matter, though - because at Pimp Harbor, eating, bathing, and using the bathroom are all secondary to socializing and having fun. Moon Dawg debated taking a snooze in his recliner, but noticed Amy Andrews passing the boat below. He just wouldn't be Moon Dawg if he didn't greet every sim who ever passed the boat…

Moon Dawg: "The Prada pump may cost a little more, but it's just a better shoe...!"
Well, Amy was followed shortly after by Clarence, recently elected Mayor of Sim City (who, incidentally, hasn't actually been sent off to work at his mayor job since he was promoted). Of course Moon Dawg invited them up to the boat - what else? Amy and Clarence didn't spend much time out on deck, I guess they felt like taking a tour of the rest of the boat. Apparently, they didn't realize from previous visits that there isn't actually very much to the inside of the ship. They sure did spend a lot of time griping about it this time, though. Leon and Debbie remained quiet during all the complaining, though I'm sure they had a few thoughts on the matter…

Leon: "You know, if you guys really dislike the place that much you can always just LEAVE!"
I'm not sure if I've ever pointed this out before, and if I didn't, you might have noticed it anyway, but Leon's boat cabin has some strange design elements to it. Obviously the carpet and wallpaper have some serious issues, but another often overlooked oddity is the fact that the bathroom doors are made mostly of glass. Now, this doesn't matter so much when closely related people are the only ones using the bathroom and the rest of the cabin, but it becomes an issue when unrelated visitors start dropping by and using the can. Suddenly, Leon's clever plan to have a straight view of the latrine (mainly for the bathtub side of things) doesn't seem so clever…

Debbie: "Seriously…can't you get some curtains or something?"
For the most part, aside from poking and shoving Leon's ex-girlfriends for no good reason, Debbie has done a pretty good job of adapting to Leon's easy going style of life. Adding the element of Moon Dawg to the mix full time started to put a little bit of a strain on things, but she was still okay with it on the surface (Leon is, of course, captain of the Pimp Harbor Love Boat, so if he says Moon Dawg stays, Moon Dawg stays). Eventually, it started to become obvious that she missed the fantasy days when it was just her and Leon on his boat, before they had a full-time guest sleeping on a recliner in the kitchen and watching TV five feet away from the bed all the time.

Debbie: "This place was already kind of crowded with only TWO people..."
Moon Dawg didn't seem to be picking up on the vibe that Debbie was giving off. At least if he was, he wasn't letting on. He just kept on doing his thing, carefree as ever, confident that his invite from Leon to stay as long as he wanted was still good. He couldn't get Katherine from the party before out of his head, and started calling her up every five minutes to try to build a relationship. It was difficult, because she'd only talk to him for like seven or eight seconds before hanging up, and half the time, the discussion took a negative toll on their relationship. Things were not going so great…

Moon Dawg: "This new mix I'm puttin' together is…hello? Hello?"
Poor Moon Dawg. Rarely has he invested much time in women, for it takes a certain kind of woman to attract his attention. Then he finds one he can't stop thinking about, and she doesn't seem to think too much of him at all. Moon Dawg is nothing if not determined, though, and he also has more time on his hands than just about any other sim, and so, he began a rigorous schedule of calling Katherine constantly, asking her out, getting rejected, then repeating the process in the hopes of building a high enough relationship for her to say yes. It didn't seem to be going so well, so Moon Dawg decided to put on his tux before calling again…

Uh, dude…she can't see how you're dressed over the phone...
Persistence clearly was just not enough in this case, but Moon Dawg kept calling until she caved in. She didn't agree to a date, but she did agree to come visit the boat, which she wouldn't even do initially. Talk about your not so subtle hints. Moon Dawg and Leon may not see eye to eye on everything, but they really need to sit down for a bit so Leon can give Moon Dawg a few pointers on women (like how to tell when you're wasting your time and need to move on). Moon Dawg decided to take no chances, and bought some love potions from the gypsy matchmaker before Katherine's arrival. Well, it definitely is powerful stuff…just ask Jason Kent, who happened to be passing by the boat when Moon Dawg was coming down the stairs…

Moon Dawg: "Sorry, mon, you're not my type…"
I'm not sure Katherine understood the purpose of the invite. Given Moon Dawg's million propositions, though, I don't see how on earth she could possibly NOT understand it. Whatever the case, when she arrived, she didn't even bother to come up to the boat. She just stood around down on the sidewalk for a little while. Then she revealed a fishing pole, and started fishing without permission. Okay, so she snubs Moon Dawg over and over during numerous phone calls, refuses to come up to the boat when she finally agrees to a visit, then spends her time fishing when she does finally arrive. Kinda' rude if you ask me…

Fishing…yet another of many possible ways to tell someone "I'm not interested in you"...
Wow…tough luck there, Moon Dawg! All that work, and still nothing! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it's gonna' take more than Moon Dawg's natural charms to finally make this thing happen…if indeed it ever does. Will Moon Dawg continue to pursue a romance with Katherine, or will he decide she's not worth the trouble and move on? Will Debbie finally come to terms with the living arrangements at Pimp Harbor, or will she force Leon to choose between her and his friend? I promise all these things will be revealed in due time. Till then, take care, and avoid any trays of dripping pickle juice!

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