Cowboy Clint
Welcome back! I didn't do any MonkeeSims updates during the weekend, and I don't plan to usually. It's just a way to kill time on my lunch breaks during weekdays, so don't expect anything here usually Friday thru Sunday.
I thought we'd focus on something a little different for this entry. Rather than focus on families who focus entirely on fun and excitement, I thought we'd take a look at a more down to earth sort of sim, Cowboy Clint. He lives in a cabin so tiny, you can see the whole thing in a medium size snapshot without even having to zoom out all the way. He spends all his time trying to make an honest living, and he even has a job, albeit a boring one as a dog walker. Let's drop in on Clint as he tries to make some friends in the neighborhood so he can try to get ahead a little in his "career". We'll do it in the form of a song, just to spice things up a bit!
(sung to the tune of "The Beverly Hillbillies")

Poor country boy, pockets mostly full of lint
Then one day Clint moved on into town
Next thing you know, Matt and Branson came around.

There's an easel and a chess set, but that's only fun for two
Well, the moose head on the wall was a lot of fun to view
But all things considered, Clint's cabin really blew.

He would sing beside the fire when he had to boost his mood
And even though to others this might seem like a big bore
Folks often joined in "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore".

And one hundred bucks a day was not a lot to spend
So he came up with a plan, he would throw a wild bash
Next thing you knew, guests showed up in a flash.

And everybody partied and gave out a great big shout
Then they looked around to see what fun they could find
Of course we all know just what Clint had in mind.

And for everyone but Clint, this got boring pretty soon
But they sang and they sang and they didn't seem to care
That Matt had come to the party in his underwear.

Cause it wasn't too much longer until out the puppet came
You'd think that at his party they'd talk to the guest of honor
But from the looks of things, ol' Clint was a goner.

Clint had to buy a fridge cause barbecue was not enough
The guinea pigs Clint bought may have died a time or two
But that's okay because instead he bought a Gameboy Blue.

And they sat around the fire and his old guitar he played
Well, the moral of the story is you don't need lots of stuff
A moose head and a fire pit is way more than enough.
Whew! Well, I think that's enough of the story of Clint for now - there's not much else to tell (he did get promoted to pet groomer, but there's only so much you can say about that). Hope you all have enjoyed this refreshing break from the life of the Wilsons, because when we return, it's time for Marty's big "surprise" 30th birthday party! Woohoo! See ya' then!
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